Atlanta Lodging Cost Comparison

Is it cheaper to stay in a hotel or a short-term rental?
HotelTP Corporate Lodging
Daily Rate$149-$400+*$125 - $245+*
Monthly Rate$4,470-$12,000+*$3,750 - $7,350+*
MealsRoom service or dine outCook in your own full sized kitchen
LaundryValet or coin laundryWasher and dryer included!
WiFi/InternetUnsecured / Shared NetworkSecured / Private
BillingNightlyMonthly based on daily rate
Living Area250 Square feet650 square feet and up / separate bedroom & 1-3 bedrooms available
Check In/OutEvery weekend and return MondayNo need to check out

Jacksonville Lodging Cost Comparison

Is it cheaper to stay in a hotel or a short-term rental?
HotelTP Corporate Lodging
Daily Rate$149-$350+*$98- $169+*
Monthly Rate$4,470-$10,500+*$2,940 - $5,070+*
MealsRoom service or dine outCook in your own full size kitchen
LaundryValet or coin laundryWasher and dryer included!
WiFi / InternetUnsecured / Shared NetworkSecured / Private
BillingNightlyMonthly based on daily rate
Living Area250 Square feet650 square feet and up / separate bedroom & 1-3 bedrooms available
Check In/OutEvery weekend and return MondayNo need to check out

* Based on availability, area of the city, number of bedrooms and length of stay / sales tax may apply